The duration of therapy will really be depend on your circumstances and the reason for which you are seeking hypnotherapy. If you are seeking hypnotherapy for a one-off service such as smoking cessation, for example, some hypnotherapists will deliver hypnotherapy in a single session of up to two hours.
At your initial consultation we’ll discuss your specific needs and tailor a plan accordingly. As a rough guide the average number of weekly sessions after the initial consultation are as follows:
Anxiety and depression conditions 8 to 12 sessions
Specific phobia or fear 3 sessions
The initial consultation lasts up to 45 minutes, subsequent weekly hypnotherapy sessions are approximately 50 minutes.
Some issues, however, may require a longer-term approach with regular weekly sessions. Your hypnotherapist will let you know how many sessions they feel you might need when you start therapy and will be flexible when it comes to decreasing or extending the number of sessions according to your progress and needs.
As a solution focused hypnotherapy change can happen incredibly fast from the first free initial consultation.